A Strange World, Indeed

Usual Sunday, I would say. A family outing to the cinema, which, in fact, was the first one for my toddler.

Her attention span lasted exactly 48 minutes and 15 seconds (15 minutes of which she likely spent simply being fascinated by the newness of this experience - new environment, new sensory activation: large screen, dolby digital sound, dark environment).

I, on the other hand, spent 102 minutes in total awe of the movie.

Strange World, by no other than Walt Disney.

I need to warn you.

This whole blog post is a massive spoiler. So if you’re planning to watch this movie - go watch it now and come back to connect the cosmic dots with me :)

First things first. The story evolves around a relationship of an adventurous father and a less so adventurous son. There seems to be a motif of ‘chasing the rainbow’ - you run towards it, you almost get it, but can’t really grasp it. I get the message - it’s about the journey, not the final destination.

So the father chases the next adventure, while the son stops at the discovery of a magic plant that seems to generate a great amount of power for their town. Together with a few other explorers, Searcher, the son, takes the plant back home and starts a family farming business supplying power to the whole town.

First bonus point to Disney - the family of the farmer consists of a white husband, married to a black woman, their mixed race kid and a dog with 3 legs! It probably can’t get any more diverse than that…

but it can!

Second bonus point to Disney - not even 20 minutes into the film we find out that Ethan, Searcher’s son, is swooning over a boy from his friend group. Searcher’s son is gay. But there’s more behind it.

The animation movie is listed to be appropriate for kids of ages 8 and over and has a rating of PG (parental guidance), so eventually (first time ever, probably?) Disney exposes kids to the diversity that not only includes mixed families and bi-racial characters, but also a bi-racial character who is homosexual. Do you know what it means to all the children and teens who are mis-understood and under-represented in the society?

Third bonus point to Disney - due to the feature of gay character the movie was banned in many homophobic countries (such as: Indonesia, Malaysia, Middle East and several African countries to say the least). But the bonus point goes for Disney’s refusal to cut and re-edit the scenes to make if more hetero-friendly? This is the kind of boundary that we need in the world right now.

Now lets talk some astrology.

This is the chart of Walt Disney (inner circle) and the transits of the outer planets (outer circle) on the day of the release of Strange World, November 24th, 2022. USA and UK releases were a day apart, hence, don’t make any significant differences to the planetary positions.

Psst! Click on the image if you need a larger view.

There are a few places in these two charts that really struck me.

First of all, the planet of animation, movies and film in general, Neptune, is in square to Walt Disney’s IC/MC axis (the axis of roots and fruits). It is directly triggering his reputation and fame (MC) and hovering over his 7th house cusp, which rules partnerships and relationships. This is a huge shift to diversify the animation movies. Disney’s MC in Gemini is pushing forward the resourceful energy fuelled with humour and wit. The creators didn’t make Ethan any special or different, in the scenes Ethan would get butterflies in his stomach just by seeing his love interest and communicating with him. Yes, just like any other PERSON in love. I bet, Walt Disney just got a whole new fanbase by uniting people through this diverse masterpiece.

Second significant transit was the transiting Chiron in Aries EXACT trine to Walt Disney’s Sun in Sagittarius. His life purpose was to search for the meaning and be guided by philosophy, beliefs, adventure, experience, optimist and joy, and he brilliantly accomplished that through animated movies that have been entertaining the world for 100 years. The harmonious trine from Chiron in Aries speaks about the courage to be brave and be the first with such an immense audience to diversify children’s movie to such an extent. Chiron in Aries carries the wound of identity and the wound of value, fearing the criticism and misunderstanding from others. This is the wound that is triggered right now in the world and Disney’s Sun is just the right glimpse of hope and optimism that we’re slowly moving in the right direction.

Thirdly, using Equal House system, Walt Disney’s Venus in Capricorn falls into his 5th house of creative endeavours (leisure, pleasure, joy and hobbies) and is being activated by transit Pluto. Pluto slowly rids of old values and basic Disney princesses (white, skinny, heterosexual, seeking a traditional marriage with a prince). The hierarchies and structures that were considered a norm before are changing their shapes and forms. We step into a society where people of all genders, sexual preferences, skin colours, religions, philosophies, opinions and standards blend together to create a world for better living.

Pluto’s movement through the last degrees of the Capricorn has slowly transformed the way we view family systems (Encanto, 2021 - latin family that works together to save the dying miracle), intimate connections (Strange World - a bi-racial homosexual teen who has saved the town-turned-a-living-organism-portrayed-as-a-gigantic-turtle) and outgrown societal norms (Little Mermaid, 2023 - one of the few times Disney included a black lead character).

We are pushed to become less judgemental (Capricorn) and more open-minded (Aquarius).

Lastly, at least for now, transit Saturn in Aquarius (the dispositor of Disney’s stellium in Capricorn) is in a square range to transit Uranus, transit Lunar Nodes AND Disney’s natal Lunar Nodes. He would also be having a reverse Nodal return right about the time of the release of Strange World. His life purpose was always to transform and transmute the value system of the humanity. This transit is the beginning of a shift towards the simpler, more grounded, more realistic ways in which we find our worth and value. This is the direction of sustainability and living under one roof as a united, liberated and advanced human race, where everyone are equal and everyone has a contribution to make.

Now, I’m a not a film critic, nor am I a huge film enthusiast. I grew up watching Disney animated movies and I could beat you at any Disney ‘sing-along’. I’m also a mum to two gorgeous girls, who I wish could grow up in a liberated society full of love, acceptance and unity. A society free of discrimination, violence, abuse, intolerance, isolation, loneliness… A society that cheers up on each and every one of us, but also cheers on us all as a whole - a living organism on a living planet that has breathing lungs, beating heart and blood running through her veins.

Now, I have no doubt, that Pluto in Aquarius and other planetary shifts will take care of the building of the New Earth.

But are we finally going to take the responsibility for the damages caused and roll up our sleeves to clean up this mess?


The Element of Fire


The Slow Burn of the Outer Planets